Implementing the Right Balance of Lighting in a Church


Stage lighting sometimes goes undetected when you’re in the audience, yet without it, the whole tone of what’s happening on stage can be radically impacted. That said, numerous trials and rehearsals over the years have allowed experts to hone down on the aesthetic details that make many church services stand out.

Which brings us to our next question: what is the best advice for stage lighting in a church service? One of the most critical aspects of great stage lighting is ambient lighting. It’s the illumination that occurs in the space around your subject. You can use a softbox or bounce some white light off the walls around your stage to achieve this effect. Instead of a harsh white light, this will create a warm atmosphere and focus the attention of the audience squarely on the performers on stage.

In such a case, if you’re looking for more light balancing tips than what we’ve discussed above, take a look at our suggestions below.

Adding More to a Little White Light

We’ve all gone to events when the white light was so dim that it was impossible to make out anyone’s features. Despite the fact that this may be appropriate in some settings, it is generally acknowledged that an audience has a hard time interacting with people they can’t actually see because of the dim lighting. There are many who will say that it doesn’t really matter if we can see the people on stage or not.

The correct response is that it is not about them, yet serving as a pastor or a worship leader in a congregation where no one can see you is challenging. It’s all about making a connection, and when leaders have a strong rapport with their followers, they may achieve far greater success. We must illuminate that which is essential, and if your leaders are yet to be seen, then they must be illuminated adequately.

Decreasing When There Is Too Much White Light

The opposite is common in churches that haven’t modernized or that don’t know why they need lights. With all the lights on, there won’t be anywhere to hide. If everything is amazing, then nothing is extraordinary, as the famous marketer Seth Godin eloquently explained. Simply put, if everything stands out, nothing eventually stands out.

The same is true for illumination.

When lighting is uniform across the room, nothing stands out. You need contrast if you want your highlighting tool to work. Some darkness enhances the visibility of the light.

Adding Theatrical Lights

Visibility, realism, composition, and mood are all elements that the lighting can influence in a stage production (or atmosphere). Even when no words are uttered, the lighting in a traditional theater can indicate the mood. Lighting a stage is all about ensuring the audience can see what’s going on, which means shining light on the speaker’s face.

When a sermon is given, or when there is a dramatic presentation, theatrical lighting techniques are employed to put the spotlight on the speaker.


Lighting is an important aspect of any church. It is necessary to have the right balance of lighting to create the right atmosphere and make the church more welcoming to its congregation. Too much or too little light can be distracting and can negatively affect the worship experience.

By carefully considering the needs of the church and the preferences of its congregation, it is possible to create the perfect lighting scheme that will enhance the church’s appearance and atmosphere and make its members feel more comfortable.
If you are looking for a great source of audio-visual equipment for churches, look no further than our high-quality selection here at Messenger AVL. We design and install audio, video, and lighting solutions, so your technical dreams become reality. Call us today, and let us provide your church with all the necessary technical amenities.