LED Video Walls For Churches: Is It Worth The Investment?

An LED screen for the church has become increasingly popular in recent years, as many churches have opted to renovate their sanctuaries by adding LED video walls. 

Church leaders may use these video walls to communicate customized videos, photos, text (such as worship songs or scripture), live feeds, and other information like announcements and news. Through added visual aspects during services, churchgoers have actively participated in worship.

Instead of looking down at a hymnal, users may now glance up at text projected on the wall. 

Thanks to modern LED video displays, even well-lit churches may use multimedia services to enlighten and engage their congregations. 

As a result, many churches are opting for LED walls. LED displays are suitable for church events and sermons because they appear nice in ambient lighting, have brilliant colors, and have outstanding viewing angles.

Advantages of An LED Video Wall For Churches 

The bright and engaging qualities of LED video walls may be employed in various scenarios. Several churches were early users of video technology, incorporating large projection screens and LCD screens into their worship spaces. Regrettably, projection technology has grown outdated over time.

Furthermore, projection screens are only functional in churches with “restricted illumination” (akin to a “black box,” theater-like architecture), requiring light levels from the outside to be adjusted to get the optimum viewing quality. Here are a few reasons why LED video walls should be considered:


LED walls for churches have become much less expensive, with up-front expenses just 15-20% more than a projection system. 

LED video walls are also modular, allowing for replacement of a panel at a significantly reduced cost. Budget projectors were not designed to last. 

Replacement costs for a projector bulb or the complete projector can easily add to thousands of dollars. Melted lenses or parts can be caused by other parts such as blocked cooling channels, faulty fans, or overheated components, and repair expenses can be larger than the original price of the projector.

Better Color and Visibility

The visual quality of LED video walls is noticeably better. The brightness required for simple reading and engagement is generally lacking in traditional projectors. 

The biggest reason that an LED wall provides such easier-to-see imagery is due to the wall being a source of light rather than simply a reflection of light. When one looks at an LED wall, the image source is seen first hand (in the same sense as looking at a modern-day LED TV). When a projected image is seen, it is always a reflected image rather than the source image. A person would never look directly into the lens of a projector due to the intensity that a projector lens has. All projected images are seen on a wall, a blank screen or other flat surface. Due to this reflection of imagery, a projector cannot match the intensity and clarity of an LED wall because of their difference in design. 

Increase the dark levels of the backdrop projector screen or increase the brightness of the white color to improve the contrast ratio of an LED. The white color will always be brighter since LEDs have a higher brightness than the projection. 

An LED wall’s screen is black (due to the space between the actual diodes), yet projectors often cast to a white or gray screen. The contrast ratio of a typical fine-pitch LED wall may reach 6000:1, whereas the contrast ratio of a projector can reach 2000:1. This means that your image will have darker darks and brighter lights resulting in an image that is more distinguishable and have a clearer picture to the human eye. 

Longer Life Expectancy

A projector’s lifespan is normally five to eight years, and it requires continual maintenance throughout that time. A single, passive source of illumination, which is one lighting bulb for the total projection brightness, is also included in projectors. LED walls have about a two times longer lifespan than projector systems. LED video walls also have a 100,000-hour service life, around 11.5 years. LEDs feature millions of active self-emitting light sources that burn evenly and consistently, which helps them last longer.


When worshiping, LED walls may generate a dynamic atmosphere. Many places of worship, especially those with live music, include contemporary aspects in their services. The vivid and colorful LED visual production experience brings the song to life by offering lyrics for guests to sing along to. 

The sanctuary is additionally brightened with LED walls. Like seats, altars, and high ceilings, many classic characteristics can be costly to renovate. Installing a video wall may quickly update the look of the room. Larger rooms work well with these brighter scalable alternatives when designing LED walls for any space. LED walls may be readily enlarged or uninstalled for transfer to a new place as a church expands.

Worshiping technology that isn’t up to standard limits your creative potential. MessengerAVL creates and installs audio, video, and lighting systems to assist you in meeting your technical goals. Looking for LED walls for churches? Schedule a call with us today.